Golden Rule Booed At SC Debate
In the middle of a heated debate with Newt Gingrich over foreign policy, Ron Paul spoke up with the one platform plank I agree with him on: Quit warmongering, stop going to war, and treat other nations like we want to be treated.
In the middle of a heated debate with Newt Gingrich over foreign policy, Ron Paul spoke up with the one platform plank I agree with him on: Quit warmongering, stop going to war, and treat other nations like we want to be treated.
Unfortunately, the audience in South Carolina disagreed with Rep. Paul, booing and shouting at him, though it felt a bit disjointed to hear them turn around and cheer him saying we don't need any more wars.
He said maybe we should use the Golden Rule as our foreign policy...and then there were boos. Yikes.