Russ Feingold Schools Ron Johnson On The Affordable Care Act And "Freedom"
I recorded the entire exchange not so you'd have to sit through the same tired talking points, but so you could see Russ Feingold absolutely eviscerate Ron Johnson's claim that the Affordable Care Act is a disaster that takes away his "freedom".
I recorded the entire exchange not so you'd have to sit through the same tired talking points, but so you could see Russ Feingold absolutely eviscerate Ron Johnson's claim that the Affordable Care Act is a disaster that takes away his "freedom". Feingold shows every Democrat how to do it right, while smiling all the way through it. If there was a winning moment, this was it.
At about 2:38 in the video:
FEINGOLD: He's called it one of the greatest invasions of his freedom that he's ever known. Does it really invade his freedom to make sure over a million Wisconsinites aren't denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition? Does it really hurt his freedom that people running into limits on lifetime coverage no longer can be cut off their insurance? Does it really hurt his freedom that kids under 26 now can be covered under their parents' policies? I wonder if it bothers him that the bill provides health care tax credits to over 80,000 small businesses in Wisconsin? He'd even repeal that. He would take that away from all Wisconsin small businesses that are going to get benefit from that. Does it really hurt his freedom that finally older people who can't afford their prescription drugs will have some coverage and some funds to cover that donut hole, that gap in coverage in Medicare Part D?
These are good things. He would wipe them all out and would put the insurance industry back in control and that is absolutely against what the people of Wisconsin want.