Sarah Palin Displays Her New Hair, Ongoing Irrelevance On Fox News

In what may be the most honest appearance of her short-lived political career, Sarah Palin expressed her profound disappointment that the American people rejected her vision of a United States of Austerity with very, very big government

In what may be the most honest appearance of her short-lived political career, Sarah Palin expressed her profound disappointment that the American people rejected her vision of a United States of Austerity with very, very big government intruding on every woman's uterus.

This interview was given before Ohio was called and Karl Rove melted down, but Sarah saw the handwriting on the wall and was willing to share her sad eyes and big hair with Fox viewers in order to prepare them for the impending apocalypse.

In the process, she mentioned the Supreme Court. Yes, the Supreme Court was always the elephant in the room, never at the forefront but always leaning on the minds of voters, who decided they weren't too comfortable with the prospect of a high court that ruled in favor of Huge Government For Women and small government for the poor, elderly, and disabled.

I confess to enjoying a bit of delicious joy at her heartbreak, even if I was distracted by what has to be the worst (and biggest) hair on the air Tuesday night. Poor Sarah was resigned, angst-filled, and for once, actually telling the audience something they didn't want to hear: Conservatives were not going to get their guy.

Listen to the undercurrents in this conversation. Fox was already setting up the next day's spin. When Greta asks Palin about what it means to have "no real mandate" and hammers on the division in the country, it sets up the narrative for what promises to be the Next Epic Showdown over the budget, taxes, and sequestration.

Even as Palin practically concedes the election for Mitt saying "a win is a win" and will determine the country's direction, she chides viewers, saying "I just cannot believe that Americans think incurring more debt is good...I can't believe Americans think it's okay not to follow the Constitution..."

Of course, these are not real concerns. They're the ginned-up concerns of billionaires who really want to convince in-the-bubble Fox viewers that they are somehow "right" on these things. It reeks of control and fear, which are the primary tools Fox and conservatives use to herd their viewers into a place where the unreal becomes real, where bogeymen lurk in every corner, and where the only truth is uttered on their airwaves.

Last night represented a real defeat of the Fox News messaging machine, and put Roger & Co. on the road to irrelevance. Over half of this country lives in a reality that is very different from the reality Fox creates. Now it's our job to help those disillusioned viewers step into the real world, in this time, and in this place.

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