Senator Coburn: "Holder-in-Chief"

Y'all better watch out. Now that the 72-hour clock is ticking and Democratic representatives are falling in line behind health care reform, Tom Cobu

Y'all better watch out. Now that the 72-hour clock is ticking and Democratic representatives are falling in line behind health care reform, Tom Coburn has a message to deliver: If you're a House Democrat who voted against health reform the first time and change your vote to yes, he'll block any appointment you may receive after you lose your seat for changing your vote. (I think I have that right, but you'd better watch the video to be sure. It was, um...bizarre.)

Ummm, ok. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) could barely contain his excitement as he points to Coburn and dubs him "Holder-in-Chief" with a smirk and a sense of real excitement about watching that little side show.

Seems like the threat isn't working all that well, since Bart Gordon (D-TN) announced that he would switch from no to aye this afternoon, along with Colorado freshman Betsy Markey.

Since when is Coburn putting holds on nominees a threat, anyway? Isn't that what he's been doing for the past 15 months?

(via ThinkProgress)

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