Senators McCain And Kirk Share A Laugh Over Death Of The Omnibus Bill

Most days I just want to slap John McCain. Every day I'm grateful he's not the president. Every damn day. Not because he's a Republican, but because he's a nasty, mean man with a heart of stone and a hate on for every person who isn't white,

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Most days I just want to slap John McCain. Every day I'm grateful he's not the president. Every damn day. Not because he's a Republican, but because he's a nasty, mean man with a heart of stone and a hate on for every person who isn't white, rich and nasty like him.

But today, I found myself wishing he'd vaporize on the floor of the Senate. For every person who pays tribute to McCain's selfless service, blah, blah, blah, I want them to watch this video over and over and over again until they understand what a petty, two-faced liar he is.

There's no question in my mind that Kirk was the instigator to shove a jab at Democrats, given that Kirk now occupies the Senate seat once held by President Obama. Here's a transcript (h/t Talking Points Memo) but really, watch the video.

Kirk, the most junior member of the Senate asked, "Did we just win?"

McCain responded, "I think there's very little doubt that the Majority Leader of the United States Senate would not have taken the action he just took if we didn't have 41 votes to stop this monstrosity."

Kirk continued, "so for economic conservatives, a 1,924-page bill just died?

"A 1,924-page bill just died," McCain responded laughing.

TPM doesn't have the best line where, as he continues to laugh, McCain says he was having "fun" with the earmarks, but it's in the video. Of course, he fails to state that many of the earmarks were inserted by members of his own party for the sole purpose of entertaining him.

To which I fly my middle finger at the screen and find myself trying not to leap through it to grab his chicken neck and shake him like a wet carpet with cat hair attached.

Set aside political differences for a minute. What these two men -- elected officials who serve at the will of the people -- have just done is to LAUGH. LAUGH at us. In our face. Laugh. Giggle, even, about how clever they are at not working while collecting a paycheck. That's right, not working. If ever there was evidence of an utter lack of good faith, John McCain is the walking embodiment of it.

The best revenge, however, is served cold. Therefore, I am looking forward to hearing him rant about the passage of the DADT repeal bill. I hope at least one Senator steps up after it passes and asks if they just 'won'.

It's not a damn football game. It's our lives, and our country. No one had better ever again claim McCain is patriotic. He is loyal only unto himself.

Here's a less emotional take on what they did with a better conclusion than I'm capable of making:

Senator Tom Coburn has a database of the earmarks that made it into this year’s omnibus – you can see what kinds of projects are funded – things like Army Corps of Engineer projects, funds for Community Colleges, Universities, and other research facilities, foreclosure assistance programs, anti-drug programs, crime prevention programs, vaccine programs, assistance for farmers, green energy projects, medical research, funding for military bases, etc. This is funding that will help keep people in jobs and help innovate at a time when we need to create jobs. So what did Republicans do? They voted against the American people and voted for playing politics – and then they laughed like sociopaths.

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