Star Parker Plays Fox News Apologist For Those Poor Wealthy Folks Whose 'Portfolios Fell Apart'
I've got to give Fox & Friends credit: They blow the dog whistles so loud you almost miss the crazy underneath the din. Star Parker's appearance yesterday on Fox & Friends was a "kitchen sink moment." Between blaming the President, the 99
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I've got to give Fox & Friends credit: They blow the dog whistles so loud you almost miss the crazy underneath the din. Star Parker's appearance yesterday on Fox & Friends was a "kitchen sink moment." Between blaming the President, the 99 percent, and the 2008 market crash for hurting those poor wealthy job creators, she managed to puree her word salad right into a whole lot of nothing.
One of the more classic moments:
"There is a disdain for the wealthy in this President, and when you think about this new economy that he's discussing, the reason that poor people or those that are low-wage workers are at risk or are suffering is because of these attacks on the wealthy. Their portfolios fell apart and poor people are not poor because the wealthy are wealthy...."
So first she says our wealthy President is a self-hating whiner and then turns right around and says but gosh, those poor wealthy folks. Their portfolios fell apart. Aw heck, those wealthy folks saw their dividend stream drop a bit and maybe their net worth, but then, they've already recovered. The rest of us? Not so much.
And then she has the nerve to say that low-wage workers are not suffering because of the wealthy. This, in the face of relentless attacks on labor laws, the minimum wage, work safety regulations, and even child labor laws. After all, as Newt Gingrich says, we can bust the unions by letting schoolchildren take over for janitors. Gee, Star. Who benefits from that arrangement, if not the wealthy?
She moves from that little bit of nonsense on to explain to Fox viewers how much liberals hate the free market system and capitalism after describing her own come-to-Jesus moment. Isn't it weird how these conservative blowhards benefit and are enabled into their current position because of the social safety net? Star Parker was a single mother on welfare who had four abortions before finding Jesus and eschewing the same safety net that kept her alive enough to find him at all. She can thank a liberal for keeping her alive in those lean years so that she could stumble into that church long enough to find Jesus and slap the hand that fed her.
I don't know a liberal or progressive out there whose idea of a fair system includes letting the 99 percent stand in a line with their hand out waiting for their monthly allotment of wealth distribution, but for people like Star Parker, it's always an either/or position. Either you're with us or against us. Either you love free markets or you hate them. There's never a sense of fairness, of the idea that to live in a society you have to give to that society, nurture it, and yes, pay taxes so that the community can thrive for the common good of everyone.
Toward the middle of her intellectually dishonest lecture to Fox News viewers, she argues the old trope that raising the minimum wage actually hurts workers because small businesses will hire fewer workers. Does anyone ever really stop to think about how stupid that is? If you have a business that relies upon workers to be profitable, those workers have to put in a minimum number of hours toward that profit. If you don't have the workers, you won't have the profit. So it's ridiculous to think that an hourly wage increase of fifty cents an hour would somehow cause that business owner to hire less people because the minimum wage went up slightly.
Not content to stop there, Parker blames Nancy Pelosi and President Obama's minimum wage increase in 2009 for the economic collapse. Be still my beating heart. Who knew that 2007 and 2008 and dishonest bankers had nothing to do with the collapse. No, folks, it was really an increase in the minimum wage. As Tina notes in her first-hand account, low wage workers still live in poverty, and still rely on government programs like food stamps and housing subsidies. It isn't the minimum wage creating dependencies; it's the corporate subsidies in the form of assistance to employees of places like Walmart.
When you go to those holiday parties and hear the Fox News memes spreading across the room, blame intellectually dishonest people like Star Parker, who seem to have no problem pretending they have all the answers. Really, all they are is propagandists for the bankaneers and corporate welfare queens who are systematically stealing from the 99 percent to enrich their own coffers. And portfolios.