Stupid CPAC Panels: John Sununu To Opine On Social Media
John Sununu, racist and social media idiot, will be participating on a panel about trends in technology
It shouldn't surprise you at all, then, to discover that Sununu is headlining a CPAC panel today entitled "Current Trends in Tech: Privacy, Big Data, Memes & Social Media." No, really. He is. Here's the whole panel, right out of the latest version of the program:
Panel: “Current Trends in Tech: Privacy, Big Data, Memes & Social Media: Chesapeake A-C
The Honorable John Sununu, former U.S. Senator
Phil Kerpen, President, American Commitment
Debbie Rose, Intellectual Property Fellow, Association for Competitive Technology
Erik Telford, Vice President, Strategic Initiatives & Outreach, Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity
Moderator: John Sampson, Director, Federal Government Affairs, Microsoft Corporation
We have many examples of Sununu's nasty character here on Crooks and Liars. He's an old-style flat-out racist and homophobe who blurted tone-deaf nonsense over the airwaves and didn't care about who his projectile vomit splattered on.
But the one place he didn't go was social media, unless he actually was behind the @SununuWarRoom account (now suspended), in which case he should be solidly flogged for abusing social media that way.
Of course it makes sense to have him on a panel about social media. Where else could they put the nasty old coot?
Other stupid CPAC panels today include Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala playing a conservative and a liberal 'duking it out' with nutter Colin Hanna 'moderating.' That ought to be a hoot. Also on tap: Tobacco hack Betsy McCaughey signing her new "I hate Obamacare and you should too" book, consultants answering the question of whether all consultants should be shot on sight, Rick Perry, Tim Scott, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, and headlining the whole thing...drum roll please...DICK MORRIS!
Let the fun begin!