Stupid GOP Attacks: Jon Kyl's Rape Analogy

Jon Kyl needs to shut up and sit down because he's really not making things better for Mitt Romney. After Romney's gaffes with regard to the attack on our Libya embassy, Kyl just made them worse. In the process, he inadvertently slammed one of Jan

Jon Kyl needs to shut up and sit down because he's really not making things better for Mitt Romney. After Romney's gaffes with regard to the attack on our Libya embassy, Kyl just made them worse. In the process, he inadvertently slammed one of Jan Brewer's appointed judges.

Senator Kyl said this on the Senate floor Wednesday:

I don’t know if you’ve ever been involved in victims’ rights, but this is like a judge telling the woman that got raped, ‘you asked for it because of the way you dressed,’ ” Mr. Kyl said. “That’s the same thing. ‘Well America, you should be the ones to apologize. You should have known this would happen’,” he said. “For a member of our State Department to put out a statement like that, it had to be cleared by somebody. They don’t just do that at the spur of the moment.”

Just last week, a judge in Senator Kyl's home state told a woman who was groped by a drunk policeman that the policeman wasn't all that guilty, but she was because she dared to be in a bar. Seriously. Here's what she said:

"If you wouldn't have been there that night, none of this would have happened to you," Hatch said.

Every time I think Republicans won't surprise me, they do.

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