Sununu Channels Michele Bachmann For Fox Viewers
h/t Scarce at VideoCafe John Sununu is the Romney campaign's Michele Bachmann. His job is to push all of the dogwhistle buttons and point away from Romney's Bain Capital mess by tossing the shiny thing to the hungry masses. In this case, Fox
John Sununu is the Romney campaign's Michele Bachmann. His job is to push all of the dogwhistle buttons and point away from Romney's Bain Capital mess by tossing the shiny thing to the hungry masses. In this case, Fox News created the shiny thing when they edited President Obama's remarks at a campaign stop to make it sound as though he was saying that people who build businesses didn't do it on their own.
This is not at all what he said, of course. It is merely an example of full-throated Fox mendacity and their role as Rush Limbaugh's echo chamber.
Clearly this is the right-wing flavored meme of the day, flogged without ceasing on Fox News. There were six segments that I counted on Fox & Friends this morning, and then there was Sununu, piling onto their desperation with mentions of Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, and even Blago for good measure. This is, in Sununu's view, because people who live in, work in, and do politics in Chicago are different and, evidently, corrupt.
Not content to stop there, however, Sununu echoes the Limbaugh/Bachmann chorus in full-throated mendacity. Beginning at about 2:51 in this clip and continuing until around the 4:15 mark, Sununu claims that President Obama "doesn't know how to be an American," and we shouldn't be surprised by this since he "spent the first part of his life in Hawaii smoking something, spent the next years in Indonesia."
After the obligatory othering of the President, he then goes on to say that he doesn't understand American business because he has only worked in government-type jobs.
I'm wondering about something, though. Exactly what did Sununu mean about what it means to be American? Is it that the President isn't corrupt? Because he doesn't spend nearly a million dollars of taxpayer money jetsetting around so he can pal around with his rich buddies?
But I digress. Sununu's nonsense, along with Rush's and the lazy Fox News team is intended to distract viewers from the problems the presumptive GOP nominee, Mitt Romney, has with his tax returns and his tenure at Bain Capital. Just as Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin did in 2008 when the McCain campaign was desperate, now John Sununu is picking up the banner.
There must be something really bad in those tax returns, eh?