Tax Refunds Up 10 Percent Thanks To Recovery Act
In his weekly address, President Obama takes on outraged teabaggers' claims about higher taxes and bigger government by pointing out some real stati
In his weekly address, President Obama takes on outraged teabaggers' claims about higher taxes and bigger government by pointing out some real statistics and facts, starting with this: tax refunds are 10% higher because of Recovery Act tax breaks aimed at the middle class.
Got that, teabaggers? You're going to go out on April 15th and cuts for the middle class?
In anticipation of FOXy liars, the Administration has created a handy tax tool, showing all the different ways the Recovery Act saves money. Truly, for all the whining about bank bailouts and the like, someone ought to rename the Recovery Act the Middle Class and Unemployed Bailout Act of 2009. Maybe then they'd get a clue. Or not.
If you want to see all the different ways your taxes were lowered, or show your favorite Tea Party neighbor how their taxes were lowered, here's the tool for that.
What a country we live in, where a teabagger can cash their refund check and send it all to FreedomWorks to protest the break they just got on their taxes.