Tea Partiers March To White House To Protest Monument Shutdown They Caused
Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee joined Confederate flag-wielding tea partiers in a protest over their own policies.
— Joan Walsh (@joanwalsh) October 13, 2013
Yeah, really great form there, teaBirchers. I think it's great that you're outside the White House protesting with a Confederate flag. Sort of highlights all the racism pouring out of you onto the airwaves quite nicely. Kudos to CNN for covering their backsides by keeping the shot aimed straight in and missing that little piece.
Also? I'd like some clarity from Candy Crowley about why she is so sympathetic to people whining about national parks being shuttered during the shutdown, but had nothing whatsoever to say about senior citizens getting their benefits cut if chained CPI is passed, or people having to worry about whether Medicare benefits will be delayed until they're 67. Those things are worth protesting, but instead we get this crap about monuments.
At least they didn't mention the Narcissist Brigade (CruzLeePalin) showing up to play to their 'dozens' of protesters:
WTOP Radio (http://bit.ly/GXQKGV ) reports Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas were among those who gathered Sunday morning, along with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Cruz says President Barack Obama is using veterans as pawns in the government shutdown.
Please do click into that article and have a look at the photo they've got. Trust me, it's worth the click.
As the mom of a veteran, these people need to STFU and quit using them like blankets to wrap their evil in. I've had it with the lot of them. But according to NRO's Robert Costa, Congressional nutcases think this protest is a game-changer.
This is a big story; House conservatives tell me it's a "game-changer," gives Right new momentum ahead of this week http://t.co/QRzlHrjOcf
— Robert Costa (@robertcostaNRO) October 13, 2013
Maybe, but the game changer I'm looking for is the one where a giant sinkhole opens right in front of the White House and/or Capitol building and swallows them all whole. It would be delicious divine retribution.
It's going to be a rocky ride, no thanks to the likes of Candy Crowley and CNN, who can't be bothered to actually talk about facts when they're gazing upon all those fabulous Americans bravely waving their Confederate flags.
Update: Buzzfeed has a great collection of photos. All hail the flag, Mom and apple pie laced with poison.