Tea Party Apoplectic Over DREAM Act Vote

The Tea Party is mobilizing for the DREAM Act vote today. This is why your voice matters. Please keep the pressure on your representatives in Congress to get this passed. The votes are scheduled for 4pm (Senate) and 7pm (House) EST. As usual,

The Tea Party is mobilizing for the DREAM Act vote today. This is why your voice matters. Please keep the pressure on your representatives in Congress to get this passed. The votes are scheduled for 4pm (Senate) and 7pm (House) EST.

As usual, the shrill, loud voices in the Tea Party are lying about the fiscal impact. Despite the fact that the DREAM Act actually saves $1.2 billion over ten years, they continue to insist that it will burden welfare programs and cost $6.2 billion per year. But the DREAM Act isn't about money. It's about doing the right thing for kids who didn't choose to come here and have done the right thing. It's a long-standing, time-honored tradition in this country that those in similar circumstances are granted a pathway to citizenship in exchange for their service, something these idiots just can't manage to acknowledge as fact.

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