Ted Turner: "God's Sending Us A Message."

Ted Turner sat down with Poppy Harlow at CNN to talk about bailouts, banks, and energy policy. He had some Turneresque things to say about our lack

Ted Turner sat down with Poppy Harlow at CNN to talk about bailouts, banks, and energy policy. He had some Turneresque things to say about our lack of a cohesive energy policy, coal mining, offshore drilling, and the disasters we've seen in past months at Massey Energy and now the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster.

HARLOW: It could be millions. How does that make this debate even more immediate? I mean, you look -- they cannot plug the hole. It's been over 20 days. We're trying to send, you know, people to Mars, and we can't plug the hole.

TURNER: Sad. It's sad. You know, I'm not a real religious person, but I'm somewhat religious. And I'm just wondering if God's telling us he doesn't want us to drill offshore, because it sure is setting back offshore drilling. And right before that, we had that coal mine disaster in West Virginia where we lost 29 miners. And last week -- or two days ago, the Chinese lost 29 miners, too, in another mine disaster over in China. It seems like there's one over there every week.

And maybe, you know, the Lord's tired of having the mountains of West Virginia, the tops knocked off of them so they can get more coal. I think maybe we ought to just leave the coal in the ground and go with solar and wind power and geothermal where it's applicable.

HARLOW: So possibly God's work in a way?

TURNER: Well, it could be. He's sending us a message.

I wonder what the teabaggers have to say about that. It would sort of knock the Koch boys off their game.

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