
Some interesting tidbits appearing in my Twitter and RSS feeds today, not necessarily enough for a whole blog post, but still funny, interesting and worth sharing. Kicking off with the political-gone-insane, we have Republicans blocking repeal of

Some interesting tidbits appearing in my Twitter and RSS feeds today, not necessarily enough for a whole blog post, but still funny, interesting and worth sharing.

Kicking off with the political-gone-insane, we have Republicans blocking repeal of the 1099 filing requirement in the health care law after whining about it so long and hard, while Kentucky citizens raised hell at the unemployment office. What would Rand do?

Narcissism loses its place in the DSM. Being ignored drives narcissists crazy. Just ask Sarah Palin.

Here's a good overview of how Comcast's evil blossomed,. Twitter is being courted by several suitors including Facebook, or so the rumor goes. Google is readying a leap into e-books, adding value to eReaders worldwide.

This last one is near and dear to me, after two tussles with my bike that left me on the side of the road hurt and bewildered. Falling off, and deciding whether to get back on -- the battle rages on.

As for me, I got back on and have managed not to fall off again for the last couple of months. But give me time. I'm sure I will. Getting back up and on the bike is the hardest part but like politics, I can't give it up.

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