Trump Threatens $25 Million Lawsuit To Squelch Citizen's Free Speech
The Donald is mad as hell over Angelo Carusone's campaign for Macy's to dump Trump
The Donald is having a hissy fit, ladies and gentlemen. It seems he did not appreciate the recent "DumpTrump" campaign mounted against Macy's insistence on carrying his line of men's clothing. Angelo Carusone, of StopBeck fame, posted the petition on to protest Trump's continued racism against President Obama, support for birthers, and overall smarminess.
Carusone's petition has nearly 660,000 signatures, which must make Macy's PR department cringe a bit at the prospect of keeping Trump's clothing line in their stores and losing customers.
The Donald is lashing out, threatening Carusone with a $25 million lawsuit.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Trump has gone after Angelo Carusone, organizer of the online campaign known as "Dump Trump," with a lawsuit for "not less than" $25 million to stop the protest of Trump's Macy's deal. Trump's lawyer called Carusone's efforts "malicious."
“Rather than simply engage in lawful protest, you have apparently made it your mission to interfere with and intentionally disrupt Mr. Trump’s long-standing and well-established business relationship with Macy’s as well as his contractual dealings with other third parties through mob-like bullying and coercion,” reads a cease-and-desist letter from attorney Alan Garten that was obtained by THR.
BWAHAHAHAHA. Donald Trump, you should know your adversaries before sending out meaningless cease and desist notices. You have just made Angelo that much more determined to see you either apologize, quit lying about the president, or lose the right to market your merchandise in a store the public at large can choose at any time to boycott for any reason. That's how the people speak, Mr. Trump. With their feet and their wallets.
Angelo Carusone isn't afraid of Donald Trump, just like he wasn't afraid of Glenn Beck or Fox News. He fired back a response:
“Donald Trump’s attempt to silence me will not work. I've dealt with enough bullies and know better than to succumb to intimidation,” he said, via a press release. “By threatening me, Trump is only reinforcing the point that we've been trying to get Macy's to recognize: [T]hat Trump's brand is consequence-free bullying and chicanery; it shouldn't be rewarded."
Carusone went on to say, "I was also surprised to hear Trump's counsel claim that Macy's is supportive of Trump's legal action. Trump doesn't have credibility, so I don't put too much stock in the claim, but I really hope Macy's isn't encouraging these kinds of threats against its own customers.”
Indeed. Donald Trump, meet Angelo Carusone. I promise you now, you will not win this. Better to apologize and go away for a long vacation.