Tucker Carlson Is The Stupidest Person On The Internet

When the right wing sends out their trolls, they send big hairy ones to do their dirty work.

When you look at that headline, are you at all shocked that The Nation would have one of its authors call for Obama's impeachment? Yet, that's exactly what this doofus of an 'education editor' for the Daily Caller wrote to troll his readers and lefties.

His headline isn't the only link bait or sign that Tucker has no reading comprehension whatsoever either. Here's a taste of what Mr. Editor wrote:

The last straw for the retired Congresswoman was the revelation that the president “directed the wiretapping of hundreds, possibly thousands, of Americans” (a number that is likely conservative).

“As a matter of constitutional law, these and other misdeeds constitute grounds for the impeachment,” writes Holtzman in her bombshell treatise. “A President, any President, who maintains that he is above the law — and repeatedly violates the law — thereby commits high crimes and misdemeanors, the constitutional standard for impeachment and removal from office.”

The eloquent Harvard Law grad provides a devastating legal critique of the vast executive-branch scheme to log every phone call in the United States.

“It now appears that thousands of calls were monitored and that the information obtained may have been widely circulated among federal agencies,” Holtzman writes.

The skilled jurist also draws eerily ominous parallels between what’s happening right now and the actions of the corrupt Nixon administration.

Well, this is just terrible! Awful, isn't it? Stir 'em up, get out the impeachment gavel and let's get a move on. After all, if The Nation is saying it, no one needs wingers to call for it, right?

Wrong. There's a problem, and that snip of the article proves how incredibly misleading Tuckie and crew intended to be.

Here is the headline of the article The Nation published: The Impeachment of George W. Bush. That's right, the president all the conservatives desperately try to pretend never happened. Elizabeth Holtzman wrote it in 2006, and it was a reaction to the -- AHEM, Tuckie -- illegal warrantless wiretapping which took place during the Bush/Cheney years. It had nothing to do with Obama at all.

This article proves one thing: The Daily Caller serves a bunch of low information idiots. The comments are hilarious. I especially enjoyed this one:

How sad that the historic "First Black Queen of America" Bari Davis Obama will be arrested and given the severest penalty permitted by law, after all that the white shtball liberals, black zombies, Hollywood Satanists, Asian backstabbers and university eunichs (not to mention amnesty hoes) have Done for her! Remember the Trinity Murders !

I had to scroll through a few comments until I found one where they had actually clicked the link. Most hadn't, which tells you something about Tucker's readers.

I wonder how Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas feels about his wife working for this kind of publication. On second thought, I don't. He probably thinks it's just wonderful.

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