UK Tells Islamophobes Pam Geller And Robert Spencer To Stay Home

Pam Geller and her pal Robert Spencer were prepared to carry their message of fear and hate to the UK until the Home Secretary banned them.

In their letter to Geller, the UK Home Office explained their Unacceptable Behavior Policy and then went through a list of reasons why Geller and Spencer would not be welcome. After noting that Geller was a "prolific blogger, author, political activist and commentator" they enumerated her associations with Jihad Watch, Atlas Shrugs, and Stop Islamization of America before quoting some of her more interesting statements. Click the second image to see the ones they zoomed in on.

After making that case, they let Geller know she was unwelcome in the UK as long as she continued to espouse those views, because she would be violating the policy on unacceptable behavior which would "not [be] conducive to the public good."

I'm sure free speech advocates would say the UK stepped all over Geller's right to free speech even though our First Amendment doesn't apply in a foreign country. Lest we forget, mass murderer Hans Breivik relied heavily upon Geller and Spencer's rhetoric to justify his own hateful acts. It's not simply a question of being polite in mixed society. It's a question of whether or not stirring hate is beneficial to the country. I think we know the answer to that.

The UK is already dealing with their own home-grown hatemongers.

The far-right English Defence League was planning a march on Saturday ending in Woolwich, south-east London, where soldier Drummer Lee Rigby was murdered last month. Geller and Spencer were both set to attend.


The EDL leader, Tommy Robinson, said the Home Office decision was "embarrassing for this so-called land of democracy and freedom of speech".

The home secretary's announcement came amid news of the latest anti-Muslim attack which saw racist graffiti – including swastikas and the initials EDL, NF, KKK – daubed on a £2.5m mosque being built in Redditch, Worcestershire.

Finally, lest we forget, Pamela Geller and her pals serve a wider, more corporate interest. She is a favorite of Sheldon Adelson and other neocons who have larger and more profitable agendas than simply stirring up some hatred and fear.

So I'm here to cheer for the UK's decision. The less she is able to stir up international right-wing extremists, the better.

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