Weekend Stuff You Shouldn't Miss

It's Sunday. Sick of talking heads? Waiting for football games to start? Here's some reading to pass the time. One of the best letters to the editor ever. Obviously the writer has a clue. Meanwhile, a true gem from John Bolton, who worries that

It's Sunday. Sick of talking heads? Waiting for football games to start? Here's some reading to pass the time.

One of the best letters to the editor ever. Obviously the writer has a clue. Meanwhile, a , who worries that the Park 51 project sends the message that "we're going to increase religious tolerance and understanding whether you like it or not." Because tolerance and understanding are such bad things, aren't they?

Over in Washington, Ralph Reed is back, and Columbia Journalism Review sees Alan Simpson heading down a collision course with the AARP, an organization he would love to destroy. Not to be left out of the stampede, Newt Gingrich has a revelation about Barack Obama, while mainstream media completely ignores the real terrorists.

Meanwhile, Fox News' Neil Cavuto succumbed to his mean gene in the middle of Michele Obama's speech yesterday, when he interrupted it to remind the audience that President Obama was once a nobody, and Pam Geller tells her adoring Islamophobe fans to "listen to Mommy".

Howie Klein's post on how Alan Greenspan destroyed the US economy has some warnings about what Speaker Boehner will have in story for us too. (Plus, the picture is not to be missed). HP is holding the Navy hostage due to some outdated EDS contracts acquired during the Bush administration.

In the compassion and understanding department (for real, this time), Chris Hayes' essay written shortly after 9-11 but not published until now is a must-read. Also this Kristof column. Digby reminds of what we've really lost. Finally, another reminder that it's just us, not us and them.

Mad Men fans (of which I am definitely one), this Miss Blankenship backgrounder is a fun read. My newest passion is mountain biking (when I'm not reading, twittering, or serving The Pug). I'm lucky enough to live near enough to Pacific Coast Highway and ride trails like this. What are you doing today?

Happy trails, reading, football, Sunday...whatever it is for you today.

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