Wingnut Allen West Slams Obama's Statesmanship While Calling Him A "Low-Level Socialist Agitator"

Fox News was just jam-packed with fail yesterday, but here's one for the record book. Wingnut Allen West using the most vitriolic language ever while slamming the President's speech last week. To quote John Cole, it sounds like someone got his

VAN SUSTEREN: I understand your passion, I understand your politics. You've certainly -- you've been a passionate --

WEST: Greta, it's not about passion. But it's not about passion. It's about time people stop--


-- playing the games.

VAN SUSTEREN: And I'm in total agreement. I'm just curious as to whether calling him a 'low-level socialist agitator' or to compare him -- to use a reference to Reverend Jeremiah Wright that the 'chickens are coming home to roost' -- if that really is helpful to advance your, your -- the great depth of your conviction.

WEST: There's a great depth to my conviction. Part of my conviction is telling the truth. I don't think it's very presidential when Barack Hussein Obama refers to my colleague Paul Ryan as a simple little accountant either.

Breaking in here to point out the use of the President's full name with emphasis on the middle name while using Ryan's first and last names only. More "statesmanship"? Back to the action...

WEST: So I think that when you look what at a community organizer is turning out to be it does seem to be like a low-level socialist agitator. When you look at the economic situation that we have to have a gentleman in the White House who never has really run any type of business or organization -- I myself as a company commander, as a battalion executive officer and as a battalion commander have many time [sic] had to balance budgets and uh, take care of units and operate a budget. So I think it does come back to experience.

And when I talk about the chickens coming home to roost, when we continue to play this election cycle American Idol in the United States of America this is what we end up with -- with someone who is really not in tune with the American people.

Look, Greta, the bottom line is this. The people of North Carolina who have suffered all of these tornadoes are suffering. This President is out campaigning and raising money out there in California. This is not how we're going to turn the ship around in our country.

VAN SUSTEREN: And you know, I think those are fair, uh, fair criticisms of the President vis a vis North Carolina. And also whether he has the experience, you know, you make the lemonade stand reference, whether he has the experience to run. I think that's fair. It was the more sort of ratcheted-up rhetoric...

It goes on about Jeremiah Wright and lemonade stands, but you get the flavor from this.

There is something really cynical about Republicans using Allen West to flog the president. The message is "See, we're not racists. Even black guys criticize him. It really IS about policy."

To which I will leave the retorts in the hands of my African-American friends out there.

After this small dose of Allen West, I'm inclined to agree with those who think the wingnut bubble may be about to burst.

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