Wingnut Conspiracies: Benghazi-Birther Mashup

Frank Gaffney has teamed up with Benghazi headbangers and birther conspiracists to keep the hate alive.

RightWingWatch reports:

Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy dedicated his Washington Times column today to a letter demanding another investigation into the attack at the US Mission in Benghazi. The letter relies on debunked conspiracy theories and Gaffney amusingly argues that “this is not an effort to settle political scores:

Oh, sure it's not. Here's a little of the conspiratorial goodness buried in Gaffney's screed, which he claims over 700 Special Forces members have signed onto:

As one of the SOF community’s most revered leaders in both war and peace retired Army Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin, put it recently: “I have seen men take great risks to save a fellow warrior. I have even seen men die trying to do so. The lack of accountability regarding the Benghazi event disturbs me greatly and bears the earmarks of a cover-up.

America is entitled to a full accounting of this egregious attack on our people with some explanation as to why there was no effort to save the Americans in [Benghazi] or at least to recover their bodies before they fell into Libyan hands. Our Congress has yet to fulfill its responsibility to provide a complete analysis of the attack or to provide answers as to what exactly happened. A bipartisan special committee is needed to determine the truth about Benghazi.”

We all know what the "truth" about Benghazi is. There was an attack on a consulate that lacked security because Republicans and teaBirchers de-funded embassy security. There was a fire that forced embassy personnel into a safe room. They were unable to escape. This is all contained in an official report that no one disputes. No one, that is, but those who stand to benefit from creating the conspiracy that never dies. Now that the birther conspiracy is dead, they need another one.

As RWW notes, they've found natural allies in the birther crowd:

The leader of the group which issued the letter, Larry Bailey, is a longtime Obama critic and an unapologetic birther.

But that isn’t a problem for Gaffney, as he too is a birther.

As for Boykin, the former general and current vice president of the far-right Family Research Council initially claimed that David Petraues resigned his position at the CIA not as a result of his affair but because he was about to expose Obama, who was blackmailing him, for “covering up” the Benghazi incident and “reached a point where he was unwilling to continue spouting the party line [on Benghazi] to the American public and continuing to breach his own integrity.”Of course, that never happened and Boykin was completely wrong.

Boykin is a guy who was part of the disastrous Iran hostage rescue. You would think that would offer him some perspective into how even the most carefully laid security plans can go awry, but no. Not only was he a part, he was the operations officer.

The one thing all of these wingnuts have in common is their deep, abiding, irrational hate for Muslims and President Obama. It must be almost orgasmic for them to be able to roll all of that into one gigantic conspiracy theory.

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