Cowards: Newsmax Scrubs John Perry's "Military Coup" Article

We posted a story on Tuesday about John Perry's over-the-top article at Newsmax, in which he makes the totally baseless claim that a military coup t

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We posted a story on Tuesday about John Perry's over-the-top article at Newsmax, in which he makes the totally baseless claim that a military coup to overthrow President Obama was a real possibility.

Some C&L readers noticed Wednesday morning that the link to the original Newsmax article went to the main page instead of the article and sure enough, it appears Newsmax scrubbed the article.

Luckily, the amazing Jamie found the cached article and took the above screen grab. You can read the full, original article here.

Did the powers that be at Newsmax realize that maybe, just maybe, they had finally crossed the line? I'm curious to know why such staunch defenders of the constitution decided to cut and run on this one. They can't put the genie back in the bottle. They published an article suggesting a military coup was a real possibility and now they've scrubbed it. Do they agree with Perry, or not? They need to explain publicly why the article was pulled.

You can write Newsmax directly and ask them why they scrubbed the article -- click here.

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