pet cause for the Tea Party’s fave Senator, Jim DeMint.
Doocy said, “The fallout’s so bad it’s even attracting some celebrity attention.”
By “celebrity attention,” Doocy meant Woolery’s. Coincidentally, Woolery is also the spokesperson for Generation America, described by Doocy as “the largest conservative alternative to AARP.” If you go to the Generation America website, it has suspiciously little information about who funds it or who runs it. If it’s there, I couldn’t find it. But nobody could miss the “repeal Obamacare” ad on just about every page. It’s also the only issue listed under the “public policy” tab. But there is an editorial called, “A Huge Victory for a Principled Mitt Romney.”
Yet, Woolery and Doocy shamelessly griped that AARP is too partisan. Woolery even directed viewers to his group’s website for more attacks on the AARP information. “It’s really to inform seniors more than anything else,” he insisted, before adding that what AARP did is “absolutely disgusting.” According to Woolery it’s largely AARP’s fault that we’re stuck with health insurance laws that provide for coverage for all Americans. Well, who would know better than a guy who made a living reading answers on cue cards?
Doocy went on to display some recently uncovered emails obtained by Woolery's group that showed the White House working with AARP to get Obamacare passed. Doocy didn’t mention how AARP also supported George W. Bush’s Medicare prescription benefit. Nor did he question why an organization supposedly devoted to helping seniors is trolling for emails (Woolery said he got some of them from the Freedom of Information Act) for political gain.
As the interview wound down, Doocy made an explicitly anti-Obama pitch. “So what you’re saying is with the big election coming up, people need to know that if you don’t like the health care reform act, the Affordable Care Act, a vote for President Obama would be a vote to keep that in business.”
“That’s exactly right,” Woolery agreed.
Fox News: where "fair and balanced" now comes with non-partisan!