Bill O'Reilly Selectively Edits Joan Walsh Interview

[media id=8694] (h/t Dave) How do you know that you've made Bill O'Reilly feel like a chump? When he decides that he's going to re-run his interview

Bill O'Reilly feel like a chump? When he decides that he's going to re-run his interview with you, without you there to defend yourself, and then selectively edit the footage and ignore large swaths of actual fact-based information (as opposed to the largely non-fact-based "reporting" so prevalent to Fox News). Such is the case with Salon.com's Joan Walsh, who so thoroughly humiliated Billo on Friday that I'm sure he stewed over it all weekend and decided that he had to reassert his lost manhood by bringing on sycophantic Mary Katherine Ham and Juan Williams to reassure him that Billo was still da man.

Note Bill's disingenuous framing of the whole interview: it's all about how the crazed liberals have no regard for the rights of the unborn from being murdered for callous reasons. Never mind that his producers sandbagged Walsh by telling her that she was on to talk about right wing violence. Never mind that the procedure that Dr. Tiller performed was not only legal, but highly regulated, and exceptionally rare. The 60,000 casual late term abortions that Billo cites is pulled from his rather constipated posterior region and doesn't pass even the most basic math logic test (That would mean that Tiller performed 16 late term, casual, abortions every day, 7 days a week, for TEN YEARS). Never mind that Dr. Tiller was acquitted by a Kansas grand jury for not violating the law (after only deliberating for an hour) and that the principal expert cited by O'Reilly, Dr. Paul R. McHugh, has his own controversies that call his agenda to question (McHugh, a former member of Bush43's Council on Bioethics, is a Vatican witness called to dismiss claims of DID in victims of priest molestation and has publicly scorned transsexuals and called for the end of gender reassignment surgery).

Yet for Bill, it's all about the babies. These poor, non-existent, viable fetuses that are being thrown out by their mothers (no doubt liberals) and enabled by the insidious Dr. Tiller. Doesn't Joan Walsh understand how wrong it is to blame Bill O'Reilly for his inflammatory rhetoric over completely fabricated and untrue circumstances that may have resonated so much with someone with only a tenuous grasp on ethics that he may have actually taken an innocent man's life? How dare Walsh be so intolerant?

By the way, Walsh herself had a little fun on Twitter over Billo's antics:

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