Call The WAAAAAAAAmbulance! Sarah Palin Thinks The "Liberal Press" Is Mean!

Professional right wing angry person John Ziegler (remember his potty-mouthed but fact-light challenge of 538.com's Nate Silver?) is busy as a beave

Professional right wing angry person John Ziegler (remember his potty-mouthed but fact-light challenge of 538.com's Nate Silver?) is busy as a beaver, creating the "documentary" Media Malpractice... How Obama Got Elected about how that "librul media" (*sigh* Can that phrase be retired yet?) failed to do their job and resulted in Barack Obama's election. Yeah, that liberal Fox News and Rush Limbaugh...I'm sure it had nothing to do with the epic failure of the Republican Party. But who better to get on camera and grouse about the mean ol' media than Sarah Palin?
A new video interview with the governor, who talks at some length about media coverage during and after the campaign. The interview is by conservative broadcaster John Ziegler, who is producing a documentary, "Media Malpractice ... How Obama Got Elected." It was done at her Wasilla home on Monday, and posted clips on YouTube yesterday. A big chunk of the YouTube clip is Palin teeing off on media coverage of her family. She talks about a double standard between coverage of her family and Obama's, and suggests a double standard between scrutiny of her and Caroline Kennedy (who's pursuing a New York Senate seat) because of her social class. "When I heard Barack Obama state in one of his interviews on national television that his wife was off limits, meaning, family's off limits -- you know, 'Attack me, I'm the public official, come after me, I can handle it and we'll duke it out if need be, but family's off limits' -- I naively believed, OK, they respected that in him and his demand for that to be adhered, naively believing that must apply to all of us, right? But it didn't apply." On Kennedy: “I’ve been interested also to see how Caroline Kennedy will be handled and if she will be handled with kid gloves or if she will be under such a microscope also. It’s going to be interesting to see how that plays out and I think that as we watch that we will perhaps be able to prove that there is a class issue here also that was such a factor in the scrutiny of my candidacy versus, say, the scrutiny of what her candidacy may be.”
Oh yeah, the media has been so kind to Caroline Kennedy. And don't get me started on that "Shriekin' Evil" Keith Olbermann. The ridiculous lengths Republicans will go to retain their victim status. Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis has more...
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