Facts Have A Liberal Bias: Illegal Immigrants Not Covered By Health Care Reform. Looking Foolish, Rep. Joe Wilson?

[media id=9819] Oh darn, Rep. Wilson. Remember that "inappropriate" and "regrettable" outburst of yours last night during Pres. Obama's speech? Gues

"inappropriate" and "regrettable" outburst of yours last night during Pres. Obama's speech?

Guess what? YOU LIED!!!!!

From FactCheck.org:

One Republican congressman issued a press release claiming that "5,600,000 Illegal Aliens May Be Covered Under Obamacare," and we’ve been peppered with queries about similar claims. They’re not true. In fact, the House bill (the only bill to be formally introduced in its entirety) specifically says that no federal money would be spent on giving illegal immigrants health coverage:


Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.

Also, under current law, those in the country illegally don’t qualify for federal health programs. Of interest: About half of illegal immigrants have health insurance now, according to the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center, which says those who lack insurance do so principally because their employers don’t offer it.

"Misleading GOP Health Care Claims" July 23

Facts are pesky things, aren't they? Luckily for you, facts are never all that important to your supporters and rising star GOP strategist Patrick Ruffini is already stumping on your behalf for fundraising. Ruffini is also working for Bob McDonnell, the GOoPer who believes that working women, fornicators and homosexuals are ruining the country. Talking to some of my buddies with experience in campaigns, it appears that the way the GOP consultants work is that they make 10-12% from all online contributions. No wonder Ruffini is trying to capitalize on this egregious violations of protocol and raise money.

C&L has reported all this previously, in fact. But as Dave noted then:

The fact of the claim's provable falsity will not deter the teabaggers from adopting it. Indeed, it probably increases the chances we'll be hearing it a lot more in the days to come.

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