Sunday Morning Bobblehead Thread
h/t the ever fabulous BlueGal for the graphic Why oh why oh why? Can anyone give one good reason why Liz Cheney's pundit career should even exist
Why oh why oh why? Can anyone give one good reason why Liz Cheney's pundit career should even exist in the realm of reality? How on earth can anyone who says that waterboarding isn't torture and that Obama can't simply say something to make it so (especially coming from the one administration--and family--that made that practice an art form) and whose latest gig is simply to keep pushing the Bush Doctrine, a policy that the country overwhelmingly voted against. I'm sorry, but the woman's credibility is less than zero. Shame on ABC for booking her yet again to pollute their round table. Will fellow participants Markos Moulitsas and Arianna Huffington have the huevos to call her out on her lies? Stay tuned...
Elsewhere around the dial, Coast Guard Commander Thad Allen is making some serious rounds to discuss the Gulf oil spill. He'll be on ABC’s “This Week,” CBS’s “Face the Nation,” CNN’s “State of the Union” and “Fox News Sunday.” Also worth noting is the head-to-head of Arkansas runoff candidates Blanche "DINO" Lincoln and Bill Halter on CNN's "State of the Union". And if you're a real glutton for spin, the Israeli ambassador to the US will be on "Fox News Sunday", no doubt to try to justify the shootings of the humanitarian flotilla. Luckily, we're spared our normal Sunday David Gregory hackery. "Meet the Press" is pre-empted for the French Open.
ABC's "This Week" - Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, the government's point man for the Gulf oil disaster; Sens. John Kerry, D-Mass., and John Cornyn, R-Texas.
CBS' "Face the Nation" - Allen; Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla.
NBC's "The Chris Matthews Show" - Panel: Howard Fineman, Michele Norris, Andrea Mitchell, Bill Plante. Topics: A Look Back At The Moments in TV and Politics Which Changed American History; The Good, The Bad and The Unforgettable
CNN's "State of the Union" - Allen; Gov. Charlie Crist, I-Fla., Lt. Gov. Bill Halter, D-Ark.; Sen. Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark.
CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" - Israel; the man who came in second in the recent Afghan elections tells Fareed what he really thinks about the man who beat him - Hamid Karzai...and offers his advice on what the US should be doing to fix his embattled nation.
"Fox News Sunday" - Allen; Gov. Haley Barbour, R-Miss.; Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren.
So what's catching your eye this morning?