Mike's Blog Round Up
As I get this roundup together, I'm hearing the news of 26 dead at a Connecticut elementary school. Horrifyingly tragic. At what point do we have a serious conversation about gun violence and control that the NRA doesn't steer? How many innocents
As I get this roundup together, I'm hearing the news of 26 dead at a Connecticut elementary school. Horrifyingly tragic. At what point do we have a serious conversation about gun violence and control that the NRA doesn't steer? How many innocents have to die??? So disgusted.
KellyHills.com: Yet Another Rape Apologist in a Position of Power
NSFWCorp: You Hate 'Right to Work' Laws More Than You Know. Here's Why
Death and Taxes: President Obama Finally Charts a Course of Action on Colorado and Washington Weed Laws
Beggars Can Be Choosers: Connecticut School Masacre: More Blood on the NRA's Hands
Round up by Swimgirl (twitter: @Miamiswimmer). Send tips to MBRU [AT] crooksandliars [DOT] com