Mike's Blog Round Up
Saturday already? We thought we would spend the entire week watching the Boehner and the White House play existential ping-pong. While we are still waiting for the GOP (or Godot, whichever comes first) to make a serious proposal on the so-called
Saturday already? We thought we would spend the entire week watching the Boehner and the White House play existential ping-pong. While we are still waiting for the GOP (or Godot, whichever comes first) to make a serious proposal on the so-called Fiscal Cliff, we can entertain ourselves with some links.
Naked Capitalism finds a doozie in the propaganda war of the so-called Fiscal Cliff.
No More Mr. Nice Blog knows what warms the cockles of Dick Cheney's mechanical heart.
Monkey Muck shows us what marriage equality looks like.
Bonus track: The Lester & Charlie Review has the only poll you must take this week.
Round-up by Tengrain of Mock, Paper, Scissors who also blogs at Dependable Renegade. Send tips to: mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com