Mike's Blog Round Up

What a quiet week waiting for a Grand Bargain to emerge: Dinesh D'Souza is hired by the Salvation Army, The Pope joins the Twitters, and birther queen Orly Taitz tries to submit the internet into evidence. Dick Armey resigns from grass roots Freedom

What a quiet week waiting for a Grand Bargain to emerge: Dinesh D'Souza is hired by the Salvation Army, The Pope joins the Twitters, and birther queen Orly Taitz tries to submit the internet into evidence. Dick Armey resigns from grass roots Freedom Works (with an $8 Million parachute), and Jim DeMint quits the Senate (The WSJ suggest replacing him with former governor Mark "kiss me south of the border" Sanford). Not to be outdone, Roger Ailes suspends Karl Rove and Dick Morris from appearing on his network. Boehner has a teabagger pogrom, and Sarah Palin apologizes for calling Republicans wusses. We still have no deal for the so-called Fiscal Cliff, and my week hosting the Round-up is over! Thanks for letting me be part of your morning this week.

Ramona's Voice gives a shout-out for the Unions.

Under the Mountain Bunker reminds us that correlation is not causation…always? Anyway, they find a study that shows Fox News Viewers have a lower IQ than the average American.

Tbogg updates us on what Dick "Dick" Cheney has been up to.

Bonus track: If the Thunder Don't Get Ya asks the perennial question, "Why did the Northern Red Salamander cross the road?" Because it's a beautiful day!

Round-up by Tengrain of Mock, Paper, Scissors who also blogs at Dependable Renegade. Send tips to: mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com

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