Mike's Blog Round Up

As The Cure once said, it's Friday I'm in Love. Scarabus was deeply moved by Gabby Gifford's statement on Wednesday, and it reminds him of something. Demeur looks at the Dow. Meanwhile, Naked Capitalism looks at the hobgoblin mind of the

As The Cure once said, it's Friday I'm in Love.

Scarabus was deeply moved by Gabby Gifford's statement on Wednesday, and it reminds him of something.

Demeur looks at the Dow.

Meanwhile, Naked Capitalism looks at the hobgoblin mind of the IMF.

Bonus track: The Lester and Charlie Review want to keep hope alive.

Round-up by Tengrain of Mock, Paper, Scissors who also blogs at Dependable Renegade. Send tips to: mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com

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