Photo Essay Of #OccupyLA In The Rain
I'm not a photographer. I know we normally do video at C&L, but my video skills are much worse than my photography. I took these Wednesday at Occupy LA. They are still going strong. With the blessing of the LA City Council and a steady stream of
I'm not a photographer. I know we normally do video at C&L, but my video skills are much worse than my photography. I took these Wednesday at Occupy LA. They are still going strong. With the blessing of the LA City Council and a steady stream of pizzas from you guys they don't appear to be going anywhere anytime soon.
If you'd like to donate some cash to buy these guys and as many Occupiers around the country we can coordinate with, here's the PayPal:
Most of the press that was there (at least when I was there) were from Asian markets; one Chinese, one Korean. Oh and KPCC's web guys were doing videos. We'll post my interviews with them when they're posted. I was not in TV makeup. You've been warned.
Here's the thing about the protest in LA: there are every imaginable media outlet lining the streets of downtown. Giant satellite trucks and tents with reporters illuminated by lamps as far as the eye can see. Only they are not there for the protesters. They are there for the trial of the doctor who gave Michael Jackson drugs. Yes, this is an apt metaphor for the media: Obsessed with a dead celebrity while giving the living who are struggling a pass.
There was a union guy, a Ron Paul supporter and the LaRouche dude took off before I could take this picture. Yes, it sounds like the beginning of a political joke...but there they were in the rain...being the 99 percent.
There's a media tent, a food tent, a general tent and this first aid tent. I'm going to admit here that I've never been to a Phish concert and the comparison means nothing to me.
And here's a funny one. Look at what the arrow is pointing to: "" Thanks to you guys!