In New York, they're on day 14 of their occupation of Wall Street. According to reports, Liberatos Pizza has been taking calls and orders from around the country to feed the protesters. Their information is here.
Occupy LA is promising to be a healthy-sized march and occupation of City Hall in Los Angeles this weekend (judging by their Facebook page). So we're buying them some pizzas! You can too. We have two ways: You can either call Rocket Pizza yourself and order some pies (as many as you want) to be delivered tomorrow (Saturday) at the demonstration. I talked to the manager at Rocket Pizza we have a deal all set up with them:
-$22.50 for a Cheese Pizza and a six pack of soda (tax and tip Included)
-$29 for Vegetarian or Pepperoni and a six pack soda (tax and tip Included)
They open at 11:30 am PST.
If that's too steep, we've set up a fund via PayPal where you can buy a slice or less...and we can all pitch it to buy a whole pizza together. It's up to you. All donations and any donations appreciated.
Amato is pitching in a few pizzas to get it going. Here's our PayPal pizza fund:
Liberatos Pizza in New York:
(212) 344-3464
Rocket Pizza in LA:
(213) 687-4992
If there are other solidarity demonstrations around the country that need some feed - let me know. I'll add it in an update. Also Amato is threatening to show up at City Hall but I'll definitely be there with my camera.