emailer: On Meet the Press this morning, Washington Post reporter Dana Priest snap back at Bill Bennett. She said it is not a crime to disclose classified information and then went on to say that people would like to make casino gambling against the law, but it is not illegal. Bill Bennett, who has previously admitted a gambling problem, sat in stunned silence like he had just been punched hard in the stomach. It was a classic moment
Dana Priest made him look like a fool as he stood there shaking his head. Bennett made himself look like the WATB that he is as he constantly tried to interrupt. Yes Bill, we know you're right there, but there were three other people on the panel as well. Immediately, he went to the "I'm all alone on the panel" card as if he didn't know the make up of the round table. ( I seem to remember that Harwood is from the WSJ and Safire was a conservative columnist) Priest got into him a second time over the prison story. Even Andrea Mitchell had a go at Bill.
(h/t David Edwards)