So what happens when a journalist actually does his/her job and exposes corruption at the highest levels of our government? They get complaint letters from the criminals they exposed. Abrams detailed tonight that he received a 5-page letter from Rove complaining about the great reporting he's been doing on the political prosecution of Governor Don Siegelman.
Mr. Rove, this is your opportunity to answer under oath many of the questions you suggest I should have asked. Your attorney had said in no uncertain terms that you would testify. We have the email. And since you seem determined to get to the truth, I would think you would embrace this opportunity to testify to Congress. We’re not going to let this story die. A jury found Don Siegelman guilty. But if his prosecution was driven by partisans, after him because he was a Democrat, then this case needs to be revisited. And an appellate court has ruled it will be.
Hopefully Rove will take Abrams up on his offer to appear on the show to plead his case. Keep your finger crossed.