Wanker: Dana Milbank: Rove-Gate Is Going To Be Only A Cameo Story

Milbank on was Countdown talking about the Roberts nomination and said: "...This is going to dominate the news up until the court begins in Oct 1;

Milbank on was Countdown talking about the Roberts nomination and said:

"...This is going to dominate the news up until the court begins in Oct 1; that's not to say the Karl Rove story won't make its cameo appearance somewhat-of course it will and it's likely to go on somewhat after this nomination ends, but this is clearly going to be the main game in town now..."

When Jeff Gannon was outed as a fake journalist Milbank was one of the first reporters on the tube all up in arms over Jimmy/Jeff being in the White House posing as a newsman. Milbank saw that as an affront to his profession, but the possibility of a breach in national security coupled with a perjury case and Dana goes back to being a hack. The lesson being " don't mess with my club."

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