Bill O'Reilly's Ludicous Claim: Joseph Stalin Murdered General Patton

ABC News thought it was a good idea to book Bill O'Reilly as a guest on This Week to promote his ludicrous theory that General Patton was assassinated by Joseph Stalin because he was going to badmouth him to Americans.

It's 2014, so Bill O'Reilly released another one of his "Killing" books and this month's version is called " Killing Patton." That's not to be confused with Killing Jesus or Killing Kennedy, by the way. Funny, but he hasn't announced a date to launch his much anticipated "Killing Tiller."

I don't know why, but ABC News and Stephanopoulos thought it was a good idea to interview BillO to promote his ludicrous theory that General Patton was assassinated by Joseph Stalin because he was going to badmouth Russia to the American people. That's the best he could come up with. He could have made it at least a novel idea by providing some newly uncovered facts that could shed some light on his theory, but instead offers up just his own idiotic opinions to back up his ridiculous claims.

STEPHANOPOULOS: The series keeps going. Your first warrior, General Patton.

O'REILLY: General Patton interested me because he was the last no spin general, just no BS, right at you. It got him killed, but he

STEPHANOPOULOS: Do you really believe that?


STEPHANOPOULOS: The official record says Patton died after a car accident on a hunting trip, but O'Reilly's new book "Killing Patton" suggests a darker conspiracy.

O'REILLY: I think Stalin killed him. Patton was going to go back to the United States and condemn Stalin and the Soviet Union, tell the American people these guys aren't going out of Poland, they're going to try to take over the world. And Stalin wanted him dead. And I think Stalin got him dead.

Say, what? We know Stalin was paranoid, but really?

STEPHANOPOULOS: All the evidence is there including the driver who was with him that day is that it was a spur of the moment decision to go see this castle before hunting. There was no way anybody could have known.

O'REILLY: But you have to take into consideration that Patton was being tracked by Soviet intelligence.

The Soviets had more sleeper agents in the US than just the Jennings apparently who shrewdly followed Patton around without no one knowing.

STEPHANOPOULOS; He also had round the clock guards in his hospital room.

O'REILLY: He had around the clock guards who were worried about the press, they weren't worried about anybody else. His wife was in the hospital room with him.

Ah, blame the press for his death murder too even though the press in the forties isn't the same as today's press. By the way, BillO is telling us that his around the clock body guards admitted Soviet assassins into Patton's room because they weren't part of the press?


O'REILLY: Right. And he's having cognac, and he's laughing with the nurses, and he goes to sleep, and he wakes up dead. Why?

This is critical information because nobody ever dies in their sleep after a cognac. It never happens. There's the proof I was looking for.

STEPHANOPOULOS: The doctor who reviewed the record said it was completely consistent with a pulmonary embolism.

O'REILLY: No autopsy. They couldn't get him in the ground fast enough.

It was also a conspiracy by the hospital and the doctors to cover up for Stalin because they were commie agents also.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But his wife didn't want an autopsy, right?

O'REILLY: At the moment she didn't but then she asked, and she herself launched an investigation.

STEPHANOPOULOS: How could you really investigate it now?

O'REILLY: You can investigate it because of DNA evidence. Stalin had a factory that produced traceless poisons back then, but now with our advanced technology, we could see if there was something in Patton's remains.

You see, it was traceless poison that did it. Make sense to me.

Just another preposterous moment for Bill O and ABC News.

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