Laura Ingraham: Ferguson Voter Registration Drives Are Divisive

Laura Ingraham sat in for Bill O'Reilly Tuesday night, and dished up a big plate of race-baiting for everyone to enjoy.

Laura Ingraham is driven by a need to denigrate people of color. No really important thing too important for her to make into a race issue.

Therefore, her little diatribe about voter registrations in Ferguson is also no surprise. What could be more frightening, after all, than the blacks going to the polls and voting?

Ingraham is also the one who claimed Obama has set back race relations ten years even as she continued to hype the edited and misleading Shirley Sherrod video.

Being an equal opportunity race-baiter, Ingraham also took aim at Sonia Sotomayor for being a woman and being Puerto Rican.

Also? There's no racial profiling in Laura's world. In her eyes, therefore, there is no reason for black people to vote when those white folks are doing such a bang-up job of representing them.

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