CNN Pundit Claims Mitch McConnell Is "The Adult In The Room"
Please, please, someone tell Nia-Malika Henderson to quit quoting anonymous White House sources with really stupid quotes.
This video is why I've lost hope that the Sunday shows have any reason to live. Euthanasia is the best option for every single damn one of them.
This little discussion on CNN's Inside Politics is so ridiculous and stupid that it should have been shot and put out of its misery before Nia-Malika Henderson got around to tossing useless punditry into the ring.
After gabbling on about the lame duck session where even Robert Costa got silly when he said the incoming Republicans were "pragmatic" -- Joni Ernst, anyone? -- Nia-Malika Henderson dropped the biggest turd on the table.
Speaking about the closed-door meeting between President Obama and Senator Mitch McConnell, Henderson said, "The White House sees Mitch McConnell as being the adult in the room."
I'm pretty sure Biden might have dropped that little bug in someone's ear as a way of twitting the press, because anyone with half a brain knows a couple of things. First, we with a functioning brain cell know that McConnell is a Kochhead. He might be the most powerful Kochhead of them all now, but he is also one with the longest tenure.
Second, we also know that McConnell was the primary architect of the plan to block everything Obama proposed from Day One of his Presidency, no matter what harm that did to the country and ordinary people who inhabit it. We know he was joined in that plan by John Boehner, and we know that neither one of them are anything like adults in any room.
Henderson and Costa's remarks were intended to somehow reassure viewers that total insanity has not taken over Washington, DC but they're hollow, empty promises. If they bothered to review some facts or refresh their memories farther back than the past week, maybe they would have mocked that claim rather than repeating it like it has any merit at all.
Here's the Mitch McConnell hit parade, which they could pull up just as easily as I.
Mitch McConnell admits to taking the CFPB hostage.
That time Mitch McConnell filibustered his own debt ceiling bill.
Mitch McConnell demands concessions from the White House in exchange for the debt ceiling increase.
Mitch McConnell, admitting he views the Supreme Court as a political tool to achieve Republican goals.
Top McConnell priority, just as the country began to pull out of the Great Recession: Making Obama a one-term president.
And the biggest lie of them all: Kynect is just a website.
If those few examples are what Nia-Malika Henderson thinks an adult is, then seat me at the kids' table, please.