DC Reporter Joins Ann Romney For 'Sunrise Pilates' With Rich GOP Donors

Mark Halperin should be ashamed.

DC Reporter Joins Ann Romney For 'Sunrise Pilates' With Rich GOP Donors

Just in case you thought Mark Halperin was the kind of guy who could possibly be objective, disabuse yourself of that right now. As I write, the erstwhile Mr. Halperin is likely preparing for his Saturday session at the Mitt and Ann Romney Billionaire Bucks Summit, as Pilates instructor:

Call it Club Med for the political mega-donors.

Attendees at Mitt Romney’s third annual retreat this weekend will have the chance to go skeet shooting with South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham or play flag football with Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. They can even do “Sunrise Pilates” with Bloomberg reporter Mark Halperin and the former first lady aspirant Ann Romney.

Well, that's special. There's more activities planned, too!

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