Fox News' Hater Pastor Robert Jeffress Says Christian Terrorism 'Almost' Non-Existent

How easy it is to write off abortion clinic bombings and shootings!

Gretchen Carlson brought on fundamentalist Christian hater Robert Jeffress to explain to the terrified Fox News audience why we simply cannot accept Syrian refugees into this country.

His basic argument follows what you would expect. He pooh-poohed the idea that the government could possibly vet refugees, saying that if the government can't even say "radical Islam" then surely it can't identify Daesh sympathizers sneaking in over the border.

The term "radical Islam," is the magic incantation, and if the government cannot say the incantation, they surely cannot "keep us safe."

He then went on to ask, "Where are the Christian terrorists?" His question was made in the context of Carlson concern-trolling over persecuted Christians in Syria who, in her mind, seem to be getting short shrift.

Jeffress explained that there really aren't any Christian terrorists. Oh, yes, abortion clinic bombings, but "those only killed 8 people," he said.

"It's only eight. That's only a good half-hours' work for a Muslim terrorist," he concluded.

Of course, he neglected to mention the murder of Dr. Tiller in church at the hands of a deranged "Christian." Or the hate speech toward gay people that has let to unremitting violence toward gay people, mostly at the hands of so-called "Christians."

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