Meghan McCain Says 'Bernie Sanders Is A Cult Leader'

For conservatives, being passionate about a campaign is "cultist"

Meghan McCain seems to have never quite gotten over her father's loss to President Obama in 2008, and she was visibly angry at the passion of Bernie Sanders supporters on Fox News this morning.

"Outnumbered," opened their show by analyzing the NY Primaries and when it came to a discussion about the Democrats, McCain launched into a bizarre attack against Sanders and his supporters.

I think she's upset because her father's campaign never energized voters quite like Obama or Bernie Sanders has.

While discussing a possible Hillary/Trump match up, Meghan weirdly interjected, "What's so much fascinating is Bernie Sanders supporter, I mean Bernie Sanders is a cult leader and he has a bunch of cult followers."

Not only was she smearing a much-loved progressive figure, but she's trying to whip up the idea that most of Sanders supporters would vote for Trump, even though the Republicans have the real problem on their side.

Charlie Hunt, from the Washington Times disagreed with her and said it's a Republican fantasy for that to happen.

Meghan really kept harping on the idea that young millennials had bought into a "cult," and related it to "the Roswell conspiracy."

See, good liberals who have a strong opinion about Bernie must be part of a UFO conspiracy.

Julie Roginsky, who is usually the lone voice representing the left brought the discussion down to reality, and back to her dad, John McCain and the Obama campaign.

"In 2008, you had all these people saying, 'Oh my goodness, these women, who are going over the cliff for Hillary Clinton, they're never going to vote for Barack Obama. You'll have Democrats voting for John McCain because they're so mad at Barack.'"

Meghan cut in saying she doesn't have a "cult following." who "buy into this Kool-aid."

Julie finished, "But they didn't do that, they still voted for Barack Obama."

What Republicans don't understand, they label a cult. When the left rallies around a campaign they are energized and passionate and they show it, but whenever you see Republicans rally around an idea, they usually spit at people, hang racist signs, threaten politicians and shoot out their office windows. You remember the summer of the tea party?

We remember all too well the hatred that spread out from their ranks which led to a huge increase in the militia movement.

You know, they tend to fly planes into IRS buildings when they're passionate.

Huh? Since When Is Attempting To Blow Up A Federal Building NOT An Act Of Domestic Terrorism?

Megyn Kelly: Our Homeland Security contacts telling us, this does not appear to be terrorism in any way that that word is conventionally understood. We understand from officials that this is a sole, isolated act.

Well, this is true only if the conventional understanding of the word "terrorism" has now been narrowed down to mean only international terrorism and to preclude domestic terrorism altogether.

Since when, after all, is attempting to blow up a federal office as a protest against federal policies NOT an act of domestic terrorism?

You know, Timothy McVeigh used a "dangerous instrument" to kill 168 people in Oklahoma City. He too was angry at the federal government, and was converted to the belief that acts of violence was the only means possible to prevent the government from overwhelming our freedom and replacing it with tyranny. He also believed that his act of exemplary violence would inspire others to take up similar acts to stave off the threat of tyranny.

Crowds aren't a cult. Bombs, on the other hand, usually do come from cultish behavior.

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