Clinton And Kaine Release Their Tax Returns, No Sign Of Trump's

Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine released their full returns for public review today. Donald Trump? Not so much.

The Clinton campaign ramped up pressure on Donald Trump this morning when Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine released their full tax returns for public scrutiny along with a video mocking Trump for keeping his private.

“Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine continue to set the standard for financial transparency as she releases her 2015 personal tax return and builds on the Clintons' tradition of making their returns public since 1977 and Kaine releases 10 years of his returns,” said Hillary for America Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri.

“In stark contrast, Donald Trump is hiding behind fake excuses and backtracking on his previous promises to release his tax returns. He has failed to provide the public with the most basic financial information disclosed by every major candidate in the last 40 years. What is he trying to hide?”

I think we have some idea of what he's trying to hide. Meanwhile, the returns for Clinton show that she gave 9.8 percent to charity and paid a combined rate of 43.2 percent between federal, state and local taxes for 2015.

Tim Kaine released 10 years of tax returns, showing he and his wife Anne Holton gave 7.5 percent and paid a combined rate 25.6 percent between federal, state and local taxes for 2015.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump's tax returns languish in an accountant's office somewhere where they are allegedly "under audit."

Maybe that's sarcasm too?

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