Chris Wallace Calls Out Reince Priebus For Arguing Crowd Sizes: 'This Is A Ridiculous Conversation'

FNS' Chris Wallace refused to succumb to Reince Priebus' bogus argument about the crowds at Trump's inauguration.

In another bizarre interview with a Trump surrogate, Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace badgered WH Chief of Staff Reince Priebus for the administration's fixation on the size of the crowds for the inauguration and media bashing.

Wallace began by discussing Sean Spicer's ridiculous press briefing Saturday, where he attacked the media then walked away without taking questions and asked, "Reince, President Trump said in his inaugural address said that every decision he makes will be to benefit American families. How does arguing about crowd size do that?"

Priebus began by promoting the same crotchety nonsense they have been peddling for a year and a half now.

Reince said, "Because it's really not about crowd size. What it's about is honesty in the media."

And did you know Spicer held a "press update," not a briefing? Our bad, Reince.

He went on to bring up Zeke Miller's MLK bust mistake, which is supposed to prove the media is out to get Donald.

Wallace replied, "OK, you talk about honesty and say that this was about honesty. Well, there's another issue here, though, Reince, and that is the president's honesty, because two things that he said yesterday were just flat wrong, and I want to talk about them."

Wallace put up pictures side-by-side showing how much bigger Obama's inauguration was than Trump's.

When Priebus tried to say he didn't use the correct picture, Wallace replied, "I was there. I was there in the Mall."

Priebus said, "I was there, too, Chris."

Frustrated, Wallace said, "Let me say, first of all, I think this is a ridiculous conversation."

When Priebus kept arguing about the crowd size, Wallace said, "Put up the picture again."

Priebus refused to face facts and they continued to argue and Wallace reiterated, "I am telling you there were huge empty areas there."

When Priebus argued that the media isn't talking about the substance of Trump's policies, Wallace shot back, "You’re the ones who did."

Chris continued, "Wait a minute, he could have given a news conference yesterday, talked about the agenda, talked about the signing, the executive actions he's going to sign, his legislative agenda. He talks about crowd size."

Priebus once again brought up the MLK bust and Wallace asked, "Are you saying there's a conspiracy here?"

Priebus replied, "I’m saying there's an obsession by the media to delegitimize this president, and we are not going to sit around and let it happen. We’re going to fight back tooth and nail every day, and twice on Sunday."

The entire discussion was ridiculous as Wallace claimed, but so is the Trump administration's attempts at rewriting reality to the way they wished and want it to be.

Priebus forgets how the media treated President Obama minutes after Chief Justice Roberts flubbed the ceremony of his inauguration.

It was Chris Wallace who questioned the legitimacy of his presidency when Justice Roberts flubbed the swearing-in ceremony.

Wallace: ..."I have to say I'm not sure Barack Obama really is the President of the United States because the oath of office is set in the Constitution and I wasn't at all convinced that even after he tried to amend it that John Roberts ever got it out straight and that Barack Obama ever said the prescribed words. I suspect that everybody is going to forgive him and allow him to take over as president, but I'm not sure he actually said what's in the Constitution, there."

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