CNN's Jake Tapper: Trump Trying To 'Discredit Legitimate' News Stories About His Administration

Jake Tapper corrects the record after Trump's first press conference on the "fake news" attacks coming from the new administration-elect.

CNN's Jake Tapper immediately fired back at Sean Spicer and the Trump administration for linking them to "fake news" after Trump wrapped up his first press conference as the president-elect.

Sean Spicer opened up the press conference and said, "The fact that Buzzfeed and CNN made the decision to run with this unsubstantiated claim is a sad and pathetic attempt to get clicks."

Tapper took great umbrage with his remarks and said, "At the beginning of the press conference Sean Spicer, who is going to be the White House press secretary, suggested that both Buzzfeed and CNN published this dossier full of uncorroborated rumors. That's not true. That's false. CNN never did that. We never provided even one detail from that dossier except this morning when I said that there was reason to believe that one detail that had been out there because of Buzzfeed was false involving trump's attorney Michael Cohen."

Tapper continued, "That conflation whether it's because Sean Spicer misunderstood or some other reason, that's not true. CNN did not do that. What we did was say in our reporting yesterday that broke the story that the intelligence chiefs of the United States, when they briefed president Obama Thursday and president-elect Trump on Friday, provided in their briefing to these two leaders about Russian hacking into the U.S. 2016 election.

"Two pages of a synopses, and it was based in part on information uncorroborated and the intelligence chiefs had not yet run to ground, but they believed that the source of the dossier was credible and his sources were credible and they believed that, a, the president-elect and the president should know that the Russians were claiming they had compromising information on him and, two, that the Russians were claiming that there were contacts between the Trump camp or Trump orbit and the Russian government or the Russian orbit during the campaign. that information was provided.

No one has disputed that two-page dossier was in the presentation. I'm sorry, that the two-page synopsis was in the information by the intelligence chiefs to president-elect Trump, to president Obama."

During his presser, Donald Trump said he didn't receive the two page Intel report that CNN reported, but his whole presser was in typical Trump speak so it's hard to say what he actually meant most of the time.

"I saw the information; I read the information outside of that meeting. It’s all fake news. It’s phony stuff. It didn’t happen." "So, I will tell you that not within the meeting, but outside of the meeting, somebody released it."

Tapper said he has been asking the Trump camp for more than half a day for comment, but received none.

Jake Tapper then criticized Buzzfeed and attacked the "fake news" charges made by Donald Trump and said, "What I suspect we are seeing here is an attempt to discredit legitimate, responsible attempts to report on this incoming administration with irresponsible journalism that hurts us all and the media going forward should keep that in mind. that's one. Just to get that out of the way."

Wolf asked, "You're referring specifically to Buzzfeed?"

Tapper replied, "It's irresponsible to put uncorroborated information on the internet....That's why we did not detail any specifics from it because it was uncorroborated and that's not what we do. We are in the business of sussing out what is true and false."

CNN must use their vast resources and dig as deep as they can into this story and not leave it up to their useless panel debates with Trump surrogates infesting the discussion.

If Trump did receive the two-page dossier then he should be called on the carpet about it with good reporting.

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