Rep. Peter King Says Rudy Giuliani 'Confused' About 'Muslim Ban' Meetings

"I wasn't there! I didn't do it! It's not me!" Rep. Peter King refutes Giuliani's claims that he was at the meeting that created the Muslim ban executive order.

Rep. Peter King told The Joe Piscopo Show this morning that Rudy Giuliani was "confused" about who actually attended meetings drafting Trump's immigration order. "I was not at that meeting" said King, and he also denied being involved in creating Trump's travel/Muslim ban executive order.

Saturday night, Rudy Giuliani gleefully told Judge Pirro on Fox News how he and his cohorts which included Rep. King, created what they believed was the legal framework to ban Muslims entering the U.S..

"I'll tell you the whole history of it! So, when [Trump] first announced it, he said, 'Muslim ban.' He called me up. He said, "Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it legally."

Giuliani included Rep. Peter King as part of his commission that set it up.

Piscopo asked, "[Rudy Giuliani] said he came up with this executive order along with you and Congressman McCaul, is that true?"

Rep. King said he fully supported the executive order but then had a different version of the events that surrounded its creation.

King said, "Rudy is actually confusing two different meetings. I was at the first meeting that we had with Donald Trump, Rudy, Mike Mukasey, Gen. Flynn… and several others."

He continued, "That was in August. And that was focused primarily on domestic security, about surveillance, issues like that. Then there was another meeting October which I was not at; McCaul was on television Friday and he said that he had a meeting with Rudy Giuliani in October and that’s when they discussed the executive order."

The NY Congressman then said, "I support the executive order and I was on this commission that Rudy had set up, but I was not at that meeting and I was not aware of this, that they were going to do the executive order."

Rep. King could have said Rudy was "mistaken and he wasn't at the meeting, but instead he said Rudy was "confused."

Getting feeble, is he?

Sounds like some rats are jumping off the sinking ship.

(h/t mediaite)

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