Sean Spicer Attacks Anne Frank Center: Trump's Actions 'Never Good Enough'

Always the victim. Always.

During today's press briefing, Sean Spicer assailed the Anne Frank Center after they criticized Donald Trump for finally disavowing anti-Semitism.

On Tuesday, Trump told NBC News that he always denounces anti-Semitism. "I do all the time and I think it's terrible," he insisted. "I think it's horrible."

Anne Frank Center was not thrilled with his remarks by calling them a "pathetic asterisk of condescension" and wrote in a statement, “Make no mistake: The Antisemitism coming out of this Administration is the worst we have ever seen from any Administration.”

Spicer was asked about this criticism and made the same usual claims he's done in the past; that Trump has always denounced this type of ugliness and wants to unite the country.

He went on to air his grievance, whining, "But it’s ironic that no matter how many times he talks about this, it’s never good enough.”

Spicer tried really hard to convince everybody when he said Trump "gave an unbelievably forceful comment - as far as his denunciation of the actions targeting Jewish community Centers."

Sean wanted the Anne Frank Center to praise Trump for "his leadership in this area."

Seriously, Sean?

Spicer continually claims that Trump wants to unify the country, but when he refuses to admonish anti-Semitism and then has Steve Bannon by his side, that's an awfully big ask to make of anyone.

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