How Can Sean Spicer Claim Russia Has Been Investigated Extensively, Already?

The investigations have just begun, Sean!

During Monday's White House press briefing, Sean Spicer responded to questions about Russian/Trump ties and had the nerve to say, "I think that Russia's involvement in activity has been investigated up and down. So the question becomes at some point, if there's nothing to further investigate, what are you asking people to investigate?"

Investigations have just begun and Spicer claimed they are already over? Nice try, Sean.

The administration trotted out Trump supporter Devin Nunes, R-Trump transition team, to claim that the IC has not found any evidence at all that ties Trump people to the Russians during the election season.

Of course Rep. Nunes refused to confirm the investigations are over, refused to name the FBI directly or unequivocally deny there was no Russian connections at all. But he had a special excuse for Trump when it comes to the infamous Flynn phone calls with the Russians -- Trump was, and I am not making this up, "too busy" to tell Flynn to discuss the sanctions. The Washington Post says this "strains credulity." Ya think?

Nunes is basically saying that Trump was probably too busy to have asked Flynn to talk sanctions with the Russian ambassador. This is a president who, of course, spends plenty of time watching cable news and tweeting. He's also a president who found time to go on what was billed as a thank-you tour in December.

ABC's Jonathan Karl pressured Spicer on this issue and asked, "Should there be a special prosecutor? Darrell Issa has called for a special prosecutor to look into this."

Spicer played the clown and replied, "And I guess my question would be, a special prosecutor for what?"

Spicer used Rep. Nunes, who addressed the media before his presser and said, "And as Chairman Nunes made very clear today, he has seen nothing that corroborates that. So at what point -- you got to ask yourself, what are you investigating?"

Nothing here to see. Git along, little dogies.

Karl replied, "Well, Russian interference -- I mean, beyond the context."

Spicer kept up his act and said, "It's the same stuff over and over again that we've heard for literally six months. And so the question becomes at some point, what do you need to further investigate if there is nothing that has come out?"

Karl said, "Can you not categorically deny there were no contacts between the Russians and anybody on the campaign?"

"I can't deny -- I can't -- I guess my question is --," he said.

"That's what the investigation would look at."

Spicer took a lot of heat when it was discovered that he contacted the CIA and others involved with the investigations to get them to refute reports from the NY Times that made Trump look bad.

After Spicer was finished, Rep Adam Schiff held a press conference denouncing the dog and pony show we witnessed all day from the Trump administration.

Spicer's comments are complete nonsense.

Schiff said, "First of all, there is no evidence that has been even received by the committee. We are still in the process of gathering documents, examining documents at the intelligence community offices..."

Erin asked, "You are saying he hasn't seen any evidence at all."

Rep. Schiff continued, "We haven't seen any evidence at all. In fact we haven't had the director come testify before a committee. we haven't had, agents doing the counter intelligence investigation appear."

"We haven't gotten the documents related to the work they may, or may not have done. Part of our responsibility is going to be to oversee what has the bureau looked at, what leads have they chased down, what leads have they not investigated," he said.

"How complete has the review been, we are, we are far from reaching any conclusions on one of the core issues that we are meant to investigate."

He then took aim and Spicer and said, "And, in terms of Sean Spicer's comments today, I take very strong issue with this, this it's not been investigated by the House or Senate. The most you do, the most you have is an intelligence, either officials, or, the deputy director of the FBI making statements that they should not be making at the beginning of this investigation."

"No witnesses, no subpoenas. It's the beginning of the investigation, not the end so we shouldn't be drawing any conclusion about what our investigation will show..."

To Sean Spicer, not actually doing an investigation means it has already been completed and Trump has been exonerated completely.

Good to know.

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