Sean Spicer Thinks Frederick Douglass Is Still Alive?

Is Trump's anti-intellectualism rubbing off on his entire team?

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer appeared to believe that Frederick Douglass is still alive when he replied to a question about Trump's weird comments about the former abolitionist, who died in 1895.

Earlier today, during a listening session to honor Black History Month at the White House, Trump had this to say about the former slave, "Where people can learn about Reverend King, so many other things. Frederick Douglass, as an example of somebody who has done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more."

A reporter asked about Trump's peculiar words at Spicer's daily press brief, asking, "And today he made the comment about Frederick Douglass being recognized more and more. Do you have any idea what specifically he was referring to?"

Spicer sounded just as confused about who Douglass is or was and said, " Well, I think there's contribution -- I think he wants to highlight the contributions that he has made. And I think through a lot of the actions and statements that he's going to make, I think the contributions of Frederick Douglass will become more and more."

Huh? This would be comical if it wasn't so sad. It sure sounds like the ghost of Frederick Douglass is alive and in Sean Spicer's fevered imagination, doesn't it?

And you thought Donald Trump was the only person in his administration that doesn't read books or know history.

Spicer quickly moved off the topic to the next question before he could dig himself in any deeper.

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