Will Embattled Sen. John McCain Finally Take A Real Stand Against Trump?
Voting against Rep. Tom Price nomination as HHS Secretary would be a good start.
Sen. John McCain has been in a constant battle with Donald Trump for many, many months, but outside of matching barbs McCain hasn't done anything of substance to either stop Trump's actions or the unqualified people chosen for high-powered cabinet positions.
The two have battled for awhile, but Trump crossed the line in July of 2016 when he said, "He’s not a war hero...He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
Trump claimed he was going to help the little people in America, but has nominated unqualified billionaires to fill out key positions in the government, which is not doing what he promised, or as he puts it, draining the swamp.
Sen. McCain won his reelection bid in 2016, he has nothing to fear about his Senate seat any longer, so why did he choose to support DeVos, who Sen. Al Franken called "the most incompetent Cabinet-level nominee I have ever seen..."?
Here's why: Because DeVos handed out at least 4 million dollars over the years to the Republicans who were assigned to her confirmation.
And as CAP reports, McCain took $50,000 dollars from the Amway magnate.
So essentially he was bought and paid for on that nomination. Oh, well.
Sen. McCain recently characterized the Yemen operation as a "failure" and today Trump attacked him for his troubles saying he "emboldens the enemy!"
If Sen. McCain truly stands against many of Trump's actions and policies, it's about time he stands up, speaks out and rejects Rep. Tom Price's nomination. That would be real rebellion.
Many senior citizens voted for McCain and Price would surely destroy our social safety nets as well help turn our health care system into a real nightmare.
"Just one day after President-elect Donald Trump nominated Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) to be secretary of health and human services, Rep. Price—who currently chairs the House Budget Committee—released a new agenda that would enable automatic across-the-board cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other programs for low- and middle-income Americans. Rep. Price calls this “budget process reform.” In fact, Rep. Price is using the arcane language of budget process to obscure how these cuts would harm American families and rig the system to slash key social programs without requiring Congress or the president to take responsibility for the result.
If Congress enacts President-elect Trump’s proposed tax plan—which mostly benefits the wealthiest Americans—then Rep. Price’s automatic cuts would slash Social Security by $1.7 trillion and Medicare by $1.1 trillion over 10 years."
Raising the retirement age on Social Security recipients is as evil as it is despicable.
And let's not forget that Social Security keeps at least 22 million people out of poverty.
Without Social Security benefits, 41 percent of elderly Americans would have incomes below the official poverty line, all else being equal.
Social Security is also important for non-elderly adults and children. It lifted more than 1 million children from poverty in 2015. Some of these children receive benefits because a parent died, became disabled, or retired; others live with relatives who receive Social Security.
If Sen. John McCain wants to do something meaningful for a change instead of giving statements to reporters, he should start by rejecting Rep. Price's nomination.