Huckabee: 'We're Not Free To Try To Delegitimize The Duly Elected President Of The United States

Someone forgot to tell Huckabee and his buddies over on Fox.

Hillary Clinton gave a speech in her late father's hometown of Scranton this St. Patrick's Day, and said she's "ready to come out of the woods" and urged Americans find come together to solve problems. She discussed the fact that she -- like a lot of people across the country -- is having a very hard time watching the news these days. Fox, of course, used this as an excuse to mock the former Secretary of State and presidential candidate, and get some digs in on her paid speeches to Wall Street.

Fox News regular and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who has never expressed the slightest bit of disdain for the fact that Trump has filled his cabinet with ex-Goldman Sachs bankers and billionaires--especially since it also included a sweet gig for his daughter--used the occasion to take a yet another shot at Clinton for her paid speeches to Wall Street prior to her presidential campaign (ignoring that Trump got paid for speeches too), and also to attack some of Clinton's recent tweets, where she urged Democrats to keep up “resistance and persistence.”

HUCKABEE: Big questions being raised today. If a tree falls in the woods and no one's there to hear it, does it make a sound? If Hillary is in the woods and nobody's there to hear her speak, is she really saying anything? So yes, she's coming out of the woods and I guarantee you, the speech she gave in Scranton, which probably she gave for free, seemed to be a heck of a lot better of a speech than the one she used to give for $250,000 for twenty minutes. So good for her. Good for her.

HEGSETH: She wants to heal some of these divides. We need to come together. We need to listen to each other. But just a simple reading of her twitter feed recently and she's talking about resistance plus persistence equals progress, so she's part of the resistance crowd. How does she heal that divide.

HUCKABEE: Well, it's springtime. It's time for the snowflakes to melt and accept the fact that Donald Trump is president. And if that is her message, she can be very honest and say look, we don't have to like what he proposes. We don't have to like him, but we have to accept that he is the president and we have to respect the office of the presidency.

If she would say that, then I'll believe she's trying to bring us together. If all she's going to do is raise her fist in the air and say resist, well look, it's too late to resist. That's what we do every four years. It's called an election. Donald Trump won and people need to accept it. Again, they don't have to like it.

This is America. We're free to disagree. But we're not free to try to delegitimize the duly elected president of the United States.

Oh really, Mike? This is a guy who played fast and loose with the birther issue, and who demanded to see President Obama's college transcripts back when his buddy Mittens was running for president. But now he wants us to believe that we're not supposed to delegitimize the President of the United States.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican.

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